What if it was YOUR loved one?

The society in which we live today is harsh towards those struggling with drug abuse. I’ve heard it said when it comes to administering Narcan to someone overdosing, “Just let addicts die. Its their choice!” or ”If you are sticking a needle in your arm to get high then you deserve to overdose”. This dehumanizing, delusional view is an insidious and dangerous thing. It has directly led people towards judgment and hatred. Quite honestly, this delusional stigma is killing people. 

Some believe that administering Narcan to someone in need only encourages ongoing use, because there are little or no consequences for the drug user. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Narcan is a “medication designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. Yet, there are people who believe administering Narcan to save lives is a waste of time.

First of all, that’s straight up mean and hateful. Secondly, its not our duty to decide if someone’s life is worthy or not. Every single life has value. And, I have been Narcaned a few times in my extremely troublesome past, and boy am I grateful for it.

If I didn’t live after my drug overdose, I wouldn’t have been able to get sober, and have a successful life in recovery. Drug addicts cannot recover if they’re dead, we need to always remember that.

All these people are loved by somebody somewhere. Don’t you think a mother will be sad when her son dies? No matter the struggles, your life has value. I was truly a lost cause in my horrible addiction. I had no hope. But today, I am SO grateful someone thought I was worth being given Narcan to stay alive. We are all human. Everyone has flaws. Lets walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, and stop being judgmental. 

By: Jenna Narkum